Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around

Sgt. Bananas wants to stream for HOW long?! - Unboxing Thursdays EP155

Join me & @sgtbananas for #UnboxingThursdays as we talk Ninja Turtles, Toy Photography, and the beauty that is the Poe Dameron Black series figure. At Johnny's request, this will be a 32 hour livestream. He guarantees it.

Come hang out at 9pm ET, on YouTube.com/ToyingAround & twitch.tv/ToyingAround.

Check out Johnny on IG https://www.instagram.com/sgtbananas/

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Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around

Across The Enabler-Verse - Unboxing Thursdays EP153

Tonight the @ena.ble.rs are back for out monthly hangout, toy unboxing, and of course Unhinged Hour. PLUS SDCC is a month away so it’s time to plan.

We had a short May for the photo challenge so #enabler_spiderverse is extending to July🕷️🕷️🕷️

Join me, @796studios @highschoolcreations @yokomccann @panfrednoodoh (maybe @ryan_ting ? No @wlodygadude ) at 9pm ET on YouTube.com/ToyingAround & twitch.tv/ToyingAround !

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Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around

Bugs Bunny VO Actor Eric Bauza goes Toy Hunting - Hunting Around AAPI Edition

Filipino Canadian Voice Over actor and Emmy winner Eric Bauza and I stopped by @heroesworldonline to do some toy hunting and also to chat about his career, gigs, and being how his Asian heritage has influenced his journey! Thank you all for supporting the content here during APPI Heritage Month! Comment your thoughts on the video, and share and give it a "Like" if you can =)

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Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around

MIKE del MUNDO talks comics, toys, and b-boying! Unboxing Thursdays EP151

The multi-talented Mike del Mundo (@deadlymike) joins me this week for a special #AsianHeritageMonth episode of Unboxing Thursdays! Mike is a fellow Canadian collector who is currently KILLING it with @toddmcfarlane Spawn, 3 Worlds / 3 Moons and variant covers for your favourite books. We’re gonna talk toys, comic creation, and some of Mike’s other hobbies, so come join the stream at 9pm ET, on YouTube.com/ToyingAround & Twitch.tv/ToyingAround.

Follow Mike on IG https://www.instagram.com/deadlymike/

or grab some merch at https://store.mikedelmundo.com/

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Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around

Paul Sun-Hyung Lee - Asian Heritage Month chat

I’m sitting down and chatting with Asian Canadian icon, CSA winning actor, toy collector and friend Paul Sun-Hyung Lee (Kim's Convenience, The Mandalorian) for Asian Heritage Month. We’ll be diving into acting, the importance of representation in media and future opportunities for persons of colour. Stick around for some Q&A at the end of the chat.

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Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around

Mezco 89 Batman GIVEAWAY & Unboxing! A stream 3 years in the making - Unboxing Thursdays EP149

After fully paying for a pre-order 3 years ago, the Mezco Toys One:1201 Collective Batman 1989 Edition is finally here!

Tonight I'll be unboxing and try to give an impartial review, and at the end I will be giving away another copy of the figure to one lucky viewer. Open to US and Canadian Residents.

Thank you for the superchats and channel memberships. All of that helps support the content and these giveaways.

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Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around

Hello there! It's Dom AKA Hello There Toys! - Unboxing Thursdays EP148

Joining me for #UnboxingThursdays tonight is Dom @hellotheretoys !

Looking forward to asking Dom some questions about collecting, photography, and his obsession with Nature Valley & Panettone.

Come hang out in the stream tonight, 9pm ET / 6pm PT on YouTube.com/ToyingAround & twitch.tv/ToyingAround! Don't forget to share #butternation!

Follow Dom on IG


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