Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around

MONDO SIZED X-MEN with Attack Peter & Hector Arce - Unboxing Thursdays EP 170

NOTHING BUT ILLUSTRIOUS GUESTS! This week, DK and I will be joined by the wonderfully talented Peter (@attackpeter) and Hector (@harcesculpture) from Mondo to talk some X-Men 1/6 scale figures, Peter’s new Mechagodzilla and more! Join us for a look into the line, future releases, all as I try not to enable myself.

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Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around Unboxing Thursdays, unboxingthursdays Toying Around

Officially back at it with the ACBA Podcast! - Unboxing Thursdays EP164

DK & I are joined by some of the best in the biz: @pancheezey @fabster360 Rickdom2345(and hopefully @BoogNice from the @acba_podcast !

I recently got to meet them at SDCC so we’ll be talking about that, plus the podcasting and toy collecting game. Join us for #UnboxingThursdays 9pm ET / 6pm PT on YouTube.com/ToyingAround!

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