New Star Wars The Black Series Rogue One Reveals (full resolution gallery)
Pre-order available from eCollectibles here. Don’t forget to use code TOYINGAROUND for 5% off your order!
EBGames skus:
761626 Bodhi Rook
761627 Jyn Erso
761628 K-2SO
761629 Chirrut Îmwe
761630 Baze Malbus
761657 Cassian Andor
Newly revealed on June 9th from Hasbro are the upcoming Bohdi Rook, Galen Erso (Target Exclusive), and Antoc Merrick (Target Exclusive) figures! They will be additions to some newly redeco’ed figures with photoreal face-painting for Jyn Erso, Captain Cassian Andor, Baze Malbus, Chirrit Imwe and K-2SO. See the full gallery below!