Just Revealed: Super7 GI Joe Ultimates! and ReAction figures (hi-res photos & links)

Pre-order available from eCollectibles. Save 5% off your order with code ”TOYINGAROUND”!
Check out the new GI Joe Ultimates! by Super7! Duke, Snake Eyes, Cobra Commander and Cobra Battle Android Trooper come in wave 1!
Available for pre-order on super7.com until Aug 22. ETA Spring 2022.
#toyingaround #gijoe #super7 #super7ultimates #duke #snakeeyes #hasbro

"The first wave of G.I. JOE 3.75” ReAction is due this September, and will include Snake Eyes, Kwinn, Scarlett, Cobra Commander, Destro, Baroness, and a variety of G.I. Joe Greenshirts and Cobra Troopers to satisfy collectors and army builders alike."